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   Giclée Fine Art Prints   

For offers on the preparation of Giclée Fine Art Prints please send your request «CONTACT»

NB! All first time customers get 15% discount and those who refer customers to us is rejected NOK 1000 - on their subsequent order.


Youri Ivanov are Fine Art-graphic artist with master's degree in art graphics. With tens of artists from all over the country in its customer portfolio and more the 15-years experience with giclee art prints is Youri the right one who can satisfy the requirements of art print preparation. Undoubtedly, it is much easier to communicate with the artist when it comes to ordering art prints!

What is Giclee Fine Art Prints? – Source – magasin «KUNST» nr 3 • 2015, side 86 - Grafikk.

Giclée is one of the most advanced digital art prints available for reproduction of a work. Med høy oppløsning, nøyaktige farger og riktig lysstyrke under digitaliseringen blir resultatet en nesten nøyaktig gjengivelse av originalen. After a test, the artist can decide if something should be changed, and the image can be digitally processed if desired.

Here you will find answers to your questions.

Send us your photo originals for evaluation and production.

1998-2022 © Jouris Kunst • Design Youri Ivanov

All images used on this website are copyrighted.

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